The Harmful Effects of Alcoholism on Marriage

Alcoholism is a disease that can take a toll on a marriage, leading to unhappiness and instability. When alcoholism affects other people, it becomes even more unhealthy. It’s important to understand the impact of alcoholism on a marriage and how to cope with it.

What is Alcoholism?

A person is considered an alcoholic when they cannot stop drinking. They may rely on alcohol to cope with their problems and make it through the day. Alcoholics may drink excessively, even in the morning before work or during the day to get through it. Breaking promises to stop drinking is common.

What Happens in an Alcoholism Marriage?

Alcoholism affects not only the person drinking but also their loved ones. Being married to an alcoholic can have a negative impact on one’s life, including emotional and physical abuse, and lack of sexual satisfaction. The instability caused by constant binge drinking makes it difficult to maintain a healthy marriage.

Alcoholics prioritize drinking over their family and responsibilities. They may choose to go to a bar instead of spending time with their spouse and children. When they do come home, they may be too drunk to engage with their loved ones. This can lead to an unhappy marriage, and a lack of sexual intimacy.

Living with an alcoholic can be difficult, especially if there are children involved. Some spouses may ignore the problem, hoping it will go away. This can create a divide between the couple. If confronted, the alcoholic may become defensive, start lying, or become abusive.

What to Do if Your Spouse is an Alcoholic

It’s important to remember that an alcoholic will not change until they are ready to admit they have a problem. It’s crucial to take care of yourself and your family, and not become codependent on the alcoholic. Support groups, such as Al-Anon, can help families of alcoholics learn how to cope with the situation.

If you are being emotionally or physically abused, it’s important to physically separate yourself from your spouse. No one deserves to be mistreated, even in an alcoholism marriage.

Alcoholism can have a detrimental effect on a marriage, leading to unhappiness and instability. It’s important to understand the impact of alcoholism on one’s life and take necessary steps to cope with the situation. Remember that seeking help is crucial, and no one has to go through this alone.

5 thoughts on “The Harmful Effects of Alcoholism on Marriage”

  1. I was married to an alcoholic/drug addict for 26 yrs. I initially tried to get him to stop but he would eventually begin again. I became very depressed and a friend sent me to Al Anon. It was the best thing I could have done for myself.I learned it was not my problem. I never hid his problem from our children, I told them that their dad was a good man who made bad choices.Thank God they do not drink or use drugs and now are very emotionally strong stable adults. My husband committed suicide in our home about a month ago after being wrecking the company truck and getting arrested for DUI. Sadly his siblings were always in denial of the severity of his problem they were never supportive to me and my kids when he was alive and certainly are not now. I did not have to choice of denial it was in my face for 26 yrs. It bothers me that they keep thinking that I exaggerated about his problem even now after what has transpired. I hope to eventually be able to say to hell with them, they could not have walked in my shoes for 6 months never mind 26 yrs.

  2. I got married last year to my friend. End the end i found out that he had a problem with alchol, he went to a rehab but it didn’t work he ws still drinking while he was in rehab. Then he went to another one it seemed to work until he got back home and then it went down hill. I got pregant and he constently drank through the whole thing. Before i had my daughter he promised that he wouldn’t drink anymore. Well he broke that promise, he started to drink around. When he drinks he leaves me and our child alone and goes out but don’t come back until the next day. I’m so fustrated with this does anyone have any advice??

  3. i am 48 yrs old my new husband is 54 we have been married now for going on three years, yes when our relationship started, when we were dating we would go out and have some drinks, he and i were both working so on the days we would date we did go out and have drinks, now that we have been married he has gotten laid off from a steel mill and doesnt look like it will restart, so now he sits at home while i work, and will drink sometimes i thought, but now when i brought it to his attention he now hides the empty beer bottles, it is hard to detect when he has been drinking but i can figure it out when he becomes emotional and he creates arguements with me about things i dont even say, then he will pack his clothes and leave and go to his grown up kids houses and stay will now contact me at all will not call, in the past i have pleaded with him to come back and talk things out, and he would but now i am sick of it, he has been gone for five days now and no contact, i think i will let him think about it this time, i do love him when he is not drinking he is a real good hearted person, but when drinking he becomes emotional and now i am the target, i dont want to divorce him i do love him but dont like being treated this way, dont know what to do?

  4. sober livings are very afordible. also see your state fro child care services . maybe leaving your child with another family member till she gets better or even day care. You can get state funded or sliding scale. Even a neighbor can watch the child. Much too dangerous for the child. Preschool is a great option too. Joan Matthews Larsen -Minnesota – vitamin therapy to regrow the damage of alcohol at health recovery center. Dr amen brain scan and Church ! 1800 new hope can help! AA and Alanon sponsors would be great help too!

  5. New Hope Hotline number at Crystal Cathedral 1 714-New Hope

    Volunteers to talk to you about you problems 24/7 and online at Crystal Cathedral.

    God Bless

    Your local Church has a lot of help including sometimes AA and Alanon info


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